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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Submitted papers may be scientific or technical in nature, with the application of appropriate methodologies and adequate critical support (references, bibliography), and should include their objectives and conclusions. In addition, other types of articles will be accepted, such as reviews or synthesis articles, which may address current issues, providing an updated bibliography and a critical opinion of their own. Papers, bibliographic reviews of recent publications and information on ongoing research projects, together with their state of progress, may also be included. In addition, references to new publications sent to the journal's editorial staff may be published.

Articles should be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and follow the following FORMAT: A4 page size, 2.0 spacing, margins (top, bottom and sides) of 3 cm. The text should be in Word format, with Times New Roman font, size 12, black color. Clarifications or comments should be placed as footnotes (only for clarifications or comments, not to introduce bibliography), in Times New Roman, size 12, numbered correlatively. The text should be left justified, except for titles and authors' data. Paragraphs should not be indented.

The title, in English, Spanish or Portuguese, should have a maximum of 15 words and should be written in size 14, bold and aligned to the left. Subtitles should have a size of 12, in bold, without period and aligned to the left. If paragraphs are numbered, ISO standards should be followed (1 / 1.1.1 /, etc.).

Tables should be created in Excel format, in grayscale, and graphics should be included in .jpg or .gif format, respecting the maximum dimensions of 12 x 18 cm. The legends of the tables and graphs must be attached to the corresponding file and be part of it. Both tables and graphs should be inserted in the text in the place where they will be published.

Articles should include an Abstract in Spanish or Portuguese, with a maximum length of 200 words, and an English version with the same length. Between 3 and 5 keywords should be provided, which should also be translated into English.

The citation system of the Publication Style Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition ( is adopted.

The journal is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors of the published articles, who will be legally responsible for their content, authenticity and unpublished character. If plagiarism is detected by the authors submitting an article for publication, it will be automatically rejected and future submissions by the same authors will not be accepted.

Peer review process

Any paper that does not comply with the formal requirements detailed in the "Guidelines for Authors" will be returned for adaptation and adjustment. Before assigning a peer reviewer, the journal's Editorial Team will determine whether the article is ready to begin the review process, conducting a preliminary reading to evaluate some basic aspects of content. Depending on this, the article may continue its course or be rejected before being submitted to an external evaluator.

The evaluators designated Two external reviewers are usually selected for each article submitted and, in case of discrepancies, it may be necessary to appoint a third referee. The evaluation process is carried out anonymously with peer review (the anonymity of authors and evaluators is maintained).

The criteria that the referees follow during the evaluation process are:

  1. Originality and clarity in the presentation and wording of ideas.
  2. Title, key words and objectives.
  3. Methodological thoroughness.
  4. Development of the work and conclusions.
  5. Bibliographical references.
  6. The possible results of the evaluation are:
  7. Acceptable without modifications.
  8. Acceptable with partial modifications (specify: modifications of content, format and/or editing).
  9. Acceptable with substantial modifications (specify: modifications of content, formatting and/or editing).
  10. Not acceptable (specify clearly the points that motivate the rejection).

When the result of the Evaluation (first round) requires an additional revision (acceptable with partial modifications and/or acceptable with substantial modifications), the article is returned to the authors so that they can consider the comments, suggestions and observations made by the designated evaluators. The authors must then submit a new version of the article for a second round of evaluation. The final decision is up to the reviewers involved.

Once the paper is accepted, authors will be notified of the number in which it will be published.

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